Christina Baker, PhD

A Little About Me...
I’m currently an Associate Professor of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at University of California, Merced.
I grew up in Southern California. After graduating from UCLA with a BA in Sociology, I attended UC Irvine, where I completed my MA and PhD in Sociology. My scholarship and teaching focus on the intersection of race and gender, with an emphasis on Black feminist theory and film/media. I’m the author of Black Women Directors (Rutgers University Press, Quick Takes: Movies & Popular Culture series) Contemporary Black Women Filmmakers and the Art of Resistance (The Ohio State University Press, Black Performance and Cultural Criticism series) and the edited collection Kasi Lemmons: Interviews (University Press of Mississippi).
Articles & Essays
Baker, Christina N. 2021. Embracing Black Feminist Joy and Pleasure in Communication Studies, Women's Studies in Communication, 44:4, 459-462. DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2021.1987813
Baker, Christina N. 2021. Revisiting Audre Lorde’s Uses of the Erotic through Contemporary Film, Women's Studies in Communication, 44:4, 470-476, DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2021.1987824
Baker, Christina N. 2020. "Liberation, Love, and Time Travel." Film Quarterly Quorum.
Baker, Christina N. 2013. “Social Support and Success in Higher Education: The Influence of On-campus Support on African American and Latino College Students.” The Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education. 45 (5): 632-650.
Baker, Christina and Belinda Robnett. 2012. “Race, Social Support and College Student Retention: A Case Study.” Journal of College Student Development. 53(2): 325-335.
Baker, Christina N. 2008. “Under-represented College Students and Extracurricular Involvement: The Effects of Various Student Organizations on Academic Performance.” Social Psychology of Education. 11(3): 273-298.
Baker, Christina N. 2005. “Images of Women’s Sexuality in Advertisements: A Content Analysis of Black- and White- oriented Men’s and Women’s Magazines.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. 52: 13-27.

Contact Me
cbaker26 [at] ucmerced [dot] edu